Welcome to the Wanderverse!
I'm so happy to see you! This is my personal website, and I want to use it as a space to express myself, archive my work, and connect with other people on the web. I decided to learn how to code in HTML and CSS because I've become so enamoured of the culture of the Old Web Revival, and I wish to become a part of it and have lots of fun.
The website is in very early development, so lots of things may (read: will) change over time.
I, the webmaster, go by Dee (and lots of other names). I'm 18 years old, and I use they/them/theirs.
I see a lot of wonder and hope in the world, and I try to hold onto what I have the best I can. The Wanderverse represents a playground of creativity and joy, where everything fiction and fantasy can feel at home. Thank you forever for visiting my website!
You can also find me on Tumblr and most recently Spacehey.
My button