My Kinlist

Last Updated 12/28/23

As far as I know, I'm only actually kin with fictional characters, with others on the list being kithtypes, but because I'm still questioning a lot of my otherkinity, this list may be updated in the future to include some other kintypes I realize I have.


Jevil (Deltarune)

Jevil (Deltarune)

My most prominent fictotype is Jevil, the former Court Jester of the Card Kingdom. I had my first fictionkin awakening in Autumn 2022 after years of being infatuated with Deltarune and then realizing I'm kin with a mad, sentient, shapeshifting joker card. My relationship with my fictotype is complicated, partially because of how my canon differs from that seen in Deltarune, something I'll touch on in future posts.


Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)

Luigi (Super Mario Bros.)

Ever since watching the animated Mario movie and playing Luigi's Mansion for the first time, I've realized just how much I've adored the nervous, eccentric, kind-hearted Luigi. I've always, always had a great empathetic bond with him, wishing I could be going on adventures with the gang as him, even when I'd have to brave the unknown for the sake of those I love. I think if I was not Jevil, then I would be Luigi.



This mostly relates to my experience being kin with Jevil. I remember in this life when I was very little, I really wanted to be a toy or doll of some sort, or at the very least able to be a part of a community of toys. I used to think I was toykin because I'm kin with Jevil (and I don't feel that I can describe myself as cardkin), but I struggled to figure out what kind of toy (or combination of toys) that resonate with me. Now I'm led to believe I connect more with a body made of magic that merely resembles a toy rather than an actual toy body. I was a shapeshifter, after all. I'll make a post going more in-depth about my experience being toykith eventually.


Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)

Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)

The anxious newcomer Pomni is someone I've suspected being kin with before the show she stars in even came out. I'm still more-or-less questioning this fictotype still because of how little information there is right now, but I know we share similar personality traits and motifs, as well as a couple of memories from cameo-shifts(?) I've had.

Rat Kintype/Kithtype

The possibility kind of dawned on me recently because I was thinking about a rat therianthrope character I made and I kept wondering what about his animorphism was so appealing to me. Rodents aren't a particular interest of mine, but I seem to have a peculiar connection to characters with any semblance to rats and mice, from humans with very mousy traits to actual rodents who speak and wear little clothes all peoplelike. Will return from the field with more notes as long as none of the feline and canine therians I know start to take an interest in me.

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